Faraday Factory Japan LLC |The company manufactures and sells superconducting wires (tapes) used in the development of nuclear fusion reactors and electric motors.

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  • 2024.4.27-5.4 ICSM-ICQMT-2024 Oral presentation

2024.4.27-5.4 ICSM-ICQMT-2024 Oral presentation


2024.4.27-5.4 At ICSM-ICQMT-2024, our CEO Sergey Lee and R&D Director Alexander Molodyk made a presentation.

ICSM-ICQMT-2024 (icsmforever.org)

S.Lee, Recent Status of R&D and Production of 2G HTS Wires for Fusion Application at Faraday Factory Japan
A.Molodyk, Progress in reducing the cost of 2G HTS tape manufactured in large volume